Wanhua Stainless Steel(Shanghai)Co.,Ltd.
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Let's talk about steel.


We recognise that, because of its critical role, people are interested in steel and the effect it has on the global economy. We are committed to being open, honest and transparent in all our communications about our industry, its performance and the impact we have.

Key facts:

  • The steel industry publishes data on production, demand and trade at national and global levels, which is used for analysing economic performance and making forecasts.

  • The steel industry presents its sustainability performance with 8 indicators on a global level every year.

  • The steel industry proactively participates in OECD, IEA and UN meetings, providing all the information required on key industry topics which have an impact on our society.

  • The steel industry shares its safety performance and recognises excellent safety and health programmes every year.

  • The steel industry collects CO2 emissions data, providing benchmarks for the industry to compare and improve on.