Wanhua Stainless Steel(Shanghai)Co.,Ltd.
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SAIL Adopts - Do More with Less - for Cost Control


Steel Authority of India Limited has launched a new cost control drive in all its plants and units. SAIL Chairman Mr Anil Kumar Chaudhary has given renewed thrust on aggressive cost control in the Company. The cost control measures not only bring out the best and improve efficiency but also give a lasting competitive advantage. All the plants and units of the company are working on a mission mode to reduce the cost of production with the guiding principle DO MORE WITH LESS. To ensure larger employee engagement and involvement in this endeavour, a series of workshops are being organized in all the Plants and Units of the Company. The focus of these workshops is to evolve action plans for improving operations and operational efficiency through enhanced production and better techno-economic performances, better utilization of raw materials and enhancing revenue generation through other means. 
As a part of the initiative, executives from different units have been grouped into cross-functional teams. The teams are formulating strategies by focusing on the technical levers so as to improve the techno-economic parameters and other cost related aspects across the Organization.