Wanhua Stainless Steel(Shanghai)Co.,Ltd.
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Steel powers the future of electric vehicles


As the next batch of electric vehicles comes into service, steel will be the main material for the chassis, engines and charging stations of future cars.

The global mobility revolution is in full swing. Electric vehicles are more beautiful, performant and efficient than ever before. With the support of the government's policy to introduce green transportation, the number of electric vehicles on the road will increase significantly in the next five years. In Europe, the number of electric vehicles soared to more than 1 million in 2018, while the Chinese auto market continues to lead.

Electrical steel is a key material for the manufacture of transformers and generators.

In recent years, steel has become the material of choice for electric vehicle manufacturers due to its lower cost, higher strength, and many advantages such as reducing vehicle weight while ensuring vehicle safety. Materials such as advanced high-strength steel significantly reduce vehicle weight while still protecting passengers.

Electric car maker Tesla, for example, turned its first mass-market model, the Model 3, to steel. Other automakers choosing to use steel include Nissan's Leaf, the world's best-selling all-electric car, and Volkswagen's e-Golf.

Magnetic properties of steel

Electric motors in electric vehicles also rely on the unique properties of steel. Electrical steel is a key material in the manufacture of transformers and generators and has special magnetic properties. The use of this material on the stator and rotor of electric vehicle motors is also crucial. Here, it has a crucial impact on the efficiency of the motor, minimizing iron losses and increasing the range of the car.

The speed of electric motors used in industrial machinery is usually between 5000-8000 rpm, but the motors of modern cars can reach four times this speed. The resulting enormous amount of heat can increase iron loss and thus affect vehicle performance. At high speeds, motor components are subjected to extreme mechanical stress, and electrical steels are the manufacturer's choice due to their high durability.

In 2015, steelmaker thyssenkrupp developed a new type of electrical steel that raised the bar for electric vehicle performance. This reduces iron losses by almost 30% compared to motors made of conventional steel. In addition, it exhibits extreme strength, helping to create more compact high-speed motors that reduce weight and space.

Steel charging equipment

However, as electric vehicles become more efficient, popular, and affordable, building a comprehensive charging network is a barrier to undermining the growth of electric vehicles. As things stand, charging infrastructure is not enough to meet demand. In fact, according to a recent study released by London-based scientific software company Emu Analytics, the number of charging stations needed for electric vehicles is expected to be 83% short by 2020. This can lead to significant congestion at charging stations.

In order to solve this obstacle, people began to explore a variety of electric vehicle charging solutions, and steel is often used as a key component of it. Charging systems such as CHAdeMO are leading the way, and many manufacturers – many EV manufacturers including Nissan, Mitsubishi and Tesla – are investing in this charging model.

Manufacturers of CHAdeMO charging stations use steel as the housing of the charger because of its strength and durability in all weather conditions, even in saline climates such as coastal cities. As the number of charging stations expands globally, including into rural and remote areas, a rugged steel casing with low or even zero maintenance will play a crucial role in the maintenance reliability of electric vehicles.

While electric vehicles can make the future greener, if charging pile deployment fails, this could have an impact on EV ownership. Richard Vilton, CEO of Emu Analytics, believes that the key to solving this problem is to invest in expanding the charging network as early as possible. "Companies that choose to do so have the potential to not only become future global leaders in the e-mobility industry, but also to play a driving role in future sustainability," he concluded.

Whether it's improving efficiency, reducing loads without sacrificing safety, or enabling critical charging infrastructure, steel will play an important role in enabling the electric vehicle revolution.