Wanhua Stainless Steel(Shanghai)Co.,Ltd.
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Luo Tiejun: The stainless steel industry should optimize the supply structure and improve the quality of supply


“China’s economic development has moved from a rapid growth stage to a high-quality development stage. The main contradiction facing high-quality development is structural rather than total volume. As far as the stainless steel industry is concerned, the development direction should be based on optimizing the supply structure and improving the quality of supply. Core goals.” On October 23, at the 2020 China Stainless Steel Industry Annual Conference held in Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province, Luo Tiejun, Vice President of the China Iron and Steel Industry Association, gave a speech entitled "New Situation and New Patterns Accelerate the Promotion of High-quality Development of the Stainless Steel Industry" In his speech, it was pointed out that the stainless steel industry should continue to consolidate the results of supply-side structural reforms, strive to develop advanced production techniques, and eliminate backward production techniques.

Luo Tiejun said that the stainless steel industry must adhere to the path of high-quality development. He said that thanks to my country's sustained and stable economic growth, as well as the strong demand for long-term stable consumption and consumption upgrades in infrastructure and manufacturing, my country's stainless steel production and sales have achieved rapid growth in recent years. "In 2019, my country's stainless steel output was nearly 30 million tons, and the output of 200 series stainless steel accounted for about 35%, an increase of 15% in 10 years." Luo Tiejun specifically pointed out that for the long-term disorderly development of 200 series stainless steel, there is no standard to follow. In the circumstances, the China Iron and Steel Industry Association has formulated the 200 series stainless steel group standard (the group standard was released in September this year), which will play a certain role in standardizing 200 series stainless steel.